Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Allison's Song about Abortion

Every day and night

when the storm comes

when the rain comes

a baby cries for life and mercy

I pray to God and Say,

Thank you for loving me

Break the Chains

Break the Chains

Break the Chains


So, as I type this I think about the choice that I made. The choice that I made to bring this precious angel into the world-LIFE! What an amazing gift that God has given, the gift of life. Yet, we take something so precious as the life of a child and give it less value than the life of an animal. What a precious heart that Allison has, I know that she is going to do mighty things for the Kingdom of God. God has had His hand on her life since before the day she was formed in my womb. "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."
Ecclesiastes 11:5

1 comment:

Buffi Young said...

Wow...she is an excellent writer...such a deep thinker!! I just love you guys!! So glad to read another post!!!