Saturday, February 9, 2008

Politics, Religion and Friends

Politics, Religion, and Friends

My mom always told me the two things you should not talk about with other people are politics and religion. So guess what I am going to do my first blog on! That is right politics and religion. Never before has something seemed as daunting to me as sitting down and typing my first blog. I am not sure why I have been so intimidated by it, but here I go!

My saga began last Monday night, Super Tuesday Eve. For some strange reason I had convinced myself that Obama needed my vote in the primary to beat Hillary. Yes, just listen I know I said I was going to vote for Obama but let me finish my story. Well Monday a fellow class mate of mine asked me who I was going to vote for, so I went into my long diatribe of why I felt Obama needed my vote in the primary. Even though I was planning on voting for him in the primary, I was still planning on voting republican in the general election. So during our conversation she tried to talk some sense into me. My fellow classmate, also a Republican, was going to give her vote to Romney. I told her that I was going to do some more research on the Republican candidates before I voted on Super Tuesday. So that night, exhausted from a very long day of life I went to bed. I jumped into bed and turned on the television and what to my wondering eyes did appear but the democratic hopeful Obama. Okay… yeah that did not rhyme.. Sorry. Obama was pretty much just putting down President Bush and Vice President Cheney. It just really rubbed me the wrong way. One of the many things that my parents instilled in me was the importance and respect of the Presidential Office. I do not believe anyone should disrespect the President of the United States. Everyone has right to his or her own opinion however; I found this to be very disrespectful. So I flipped through the channels and there he was… the man I wanted to do a little more research on Mike Huckabee! I listened to the interview that he was giving on Fox News and was very impressed with the way he carried himself as well as his tenacity to stick with the election even if he did not get the votes he needed on Super Tuesday. I prayed that night that God would lead me in whom to vote for. I am not sure when it hit me but I realized that Mike Huckabee did not just have tenacity, he had faith!
I was reminded of Mathew 17:20 “”He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."” The next morning God spoke to me and said, “If I want Mike Huckabee to be President he will be President.” I had this overwhelming sense of responsibility to vote for the person that God wanted in the White House. I really felt like what if I did not vote for him and I was the one vote that kept him out of the White House. This is a good definition for Fear of the Lord. One of those times that you know that you know what He wants and that you had better obey! Not that I needed confirmation but on my way to co-op that day I called a close friend of mine and she confirmed every thing that I had been thinking.

I went to pick up Jennifer to take her to Co-op with me and while I was waiting on her and the kids I spoke with her husband about the election while we waited. I explained to him my thinking on the election (much to his amusement!) He said he never understood how women could just say they did not like someone because of the way he looked or the way they made them feel. I told him that in my case it was just not a feeling or look it was discernment from the Lord. I thank God for the discernment that He has given me, as I grow as a Christian I can only hope that one day I will learn exactly what to do with it at all time!

So Super Tuesday has come and gone. Mike Huckabee did surprisingly (to some) well. Mitt Romney did not do as well as expected (not surprising to me!) and McCain was the front-runner (I won’t even go there!) Within this past week Romney has decided to drop out of the race. McCain is asking Huckabee to drop out, and Huckabee is still standing strong with his faith. I can honestly say that I will not be surprised when he is elected for President of the United States. I hope all of you fellow republicans out there will prayerfully consider whom you vote for. As reminded by one of my friends, political games never work. So don’t vote for one so that the other will not get it. Vote for the one that God has placed on your heart to vote for! Remember that it is important to vote and to vote God’s will!

1 comment:

Buffi Young said...

I LOVE IT KELLY!! I love it that you addressed something I have been timid to talk about. You know...cause "we just don't talk about politics." We overanalyzed our vote on super tuesday. We wanted Huckabee in there...but his electoral votes were SO low, we didn't think he had a chance. We just didn't want McCain to get in. So, we voted for Romney because he was closer to beating McCain than Huckabee was. WOW...we were thrilled that Huckabee won Alabama. I just pray that he can catch up. I hate the thought that McCain wins the Republican primary...but if it's between him and Obama or Hilary...He'll get my vote!!!! Thanks so much for posting about this!!! We really are sisters!!! We think the same about so many things!!!
Love ya,